Mcmurdo Smartfind E5 EPIRB (Auto Float Free)

Product Code: 82-800-004A

Designed to meet the requirements of both the commercial and recreational user, the E5 features transmits on 406 and 121.5MHz and includes a high brightness LED light which helps rescue services locate you at night or in poor visibility. Location is determined within 5km (3 miles) by measuring the doppler shift of the EPIRB's signal through the COSPAS-SARSAT network. Once in the area, rescue services are then able to pinpoint your precise location using inbuilt 121.5Mhz homing transmitter.

The Smartfind/E5 EPIRB battery offers a minimum 48hr operation and a 6 year battery life. The Smartfind/E5 EPIRB is supplied with a float free housing which automatically deploys and activates the EPIRB if the boat is sinking. The Smartfind/E5 features a comprehensive diagnostic and self-test facility to keep you up to date on remaining battery usage and EPIRB operation.


Key Features

  • 406/121.5MHz EPIRB
  • International approval
  • High brightness flashing LED light
  • Minimum 48hr continuous operation
  • 6 year battery storage life
  • Comprehensive self test facility with battery use indicator
  • Automatic float free housing deploys the EPIRB when submerged over 2-4m
  • 5 year warranty

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Key Features •406/121.5MHz EPIRB •International approval •High brightness flashing LED light •Minimum 48hr continuous operation •6 year battery storage life •Comprehensive self test facility with battery use indicator •Manual release bracket •5 year warranty
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